4. From team to group. New framework for relationships

Module overview

This module is written by MIS Foundation, Poland.
Cartoons and layout by Global Knowledge Development Ltd, United Kingdom.

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Learning objective:

Provide the student with the necessary knowledge to identify the new relationship framework between and within business which the implementation of a shared and participatory management model implies.


4.1. Introduction
4.2. The team and the group
4.3. How to develop an effective work team?
4.4. Stages of team development and leadership styles
4.5. Roles in the team
4.6. The successful team work – factors
4.7. References
4.8. Exercises, games and role-plays

Estimated time to complete the module:

5-6 hours


• Identify the characteristics that define the team in a shared and participatory management model.
• Get to know the steps to manage a team in a suitable manner in a shared and participatory management model.

Abilities and attitudes:

• Ability to analyse the role a team plays in a business model managed with a shared and participatory management approach.
• Ability to identify and analyse in a critical way the management of a team in a shared and participatory management model.
• Ability to manage the resources to manage in an effective and efficient manner teams according to a shared and participatory management model.


This E-learning book is an open educational resource. It uses open-source technology and multimedia. It is mobile-friendly and device-independent. It is delivered online but there also is an offline version. The self-help learning program is designed for individual learners to work on their own and includes practice activities. It can also be used in a classroom as part of an instructor-led training program.

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