Last partnership meeting in Kaunas

The fourth and last meeting took place in Lithuania. The first results of the testing and the validation stages in all partner countries were commented and the first changes to be accommodated agreed. A common strategy for the last months of the project was decided, specially focused on the dissemination and sharing of the project´s results.

SHARE Third partners meeting in Mestre

Mestre was the third location for the SHARE partnership project meeting.

During the meeting, the last changes in the first output were commented as well as the validation results. The beta version of the SHARE training platform was also shown.

Tasks and responsibilities for the elaboration of the gamified activities were agreed, and the fruitful meeting ended with new commitments and renewed motivation.

SHARE Second partners meeting in Krakow

The second meeting was held in Poland.

The first results of the project were assessed, and the next steps and milestones established among all partners. The training course content development was distributed among partners based on their expertise and the following tasks agreed, which included the validation of the materials as well as evaluation and dissemination activities.

SHARE Kick-off meeting in Bilbao

The kick-off meeting took place in Bilbao, in the headquarters of FORMETAL.

The main objectives of the meeting were to get to know all the partners in order to assure a good cooperation and to start a fruitful exchange of knowledge and experience for the good development of the meeting.

It also represented a starting point of the project. Together with its outputs and objectives the main first task distribution was made. Besides, the financial, evaluation and dissemination guidelines and rules presented.